Hello Ardent Supporters and Lovers of Recorded Music.

There's almost too much going on in the wonderful world of Records Records Records records to tell you about. So we'll start slowly. Very slowly.

Escapologists are coming out of hibernation (and Nottingham and Berlin) to record a session for the excellent Daytrotter (there's an app for that, etcetera).

Then, in a flourish of activity, they'll be making a rare live appearance playing at Dalston, London, England's super trendoid Power Lunches venue, along with Pinko, the band led by James Johnston. (Trivia: James appears on some early Escapologist recordings and toured with the band in Germany. More trivia: so did I once, but just as a map-reader and merch-stall representative.)

Turn up for tickets. And make sure you BUY THE ALBUM so you can sing a long.


More next week. There really is a lot to talk about.