*Hello friends!*

It is with a huge mountain of excitement, a dash of anticipation and a sprinkling of heady trepidation that we can announce the imminent arrival into the public sphere of the 110 per cent total awesomeness that is Singing Adams' debut album *Everybody Friends Now*, out 4 April.

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The album was recorded in an idyllic Norfolk studio hideaway in late 2010 by Steven Adams, Melinda Bronstein, Matthew Ashton and Michael Wood and features 11 beautifully moreish pop masterpieces, including full length version of first single *I Need Your Mind* and second single *Bird On The Wing*.

The artwork is amazing; created by *Preston School Of Industry's* _Ashod Simonian_, the CD comes with edgy psych-nostalgia graphic design and fold out lyric sheet.

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*Bird On The Wing (single version)* is released as a download on 28 March. The video has already been featured on NME.com and you can see it on our YouTube Channel.

We're also offering a *_Special offer for our Record Shop customers_* - pre-order the CD of 'Everybody Friends Now' before 28 March and we will not only send you *free downloads* of the *Bird On The Wing single* but also *two free exclusive, previously unreleased Singing Adams tracks*. That's quite a lot of music. It's to say thank you for your participation in what we're doing and for getting involved with our music (and book). We really appreciate the support. Pre-order the album here.

There's plenty more to come, with news of the *Wet Paint/Matt Tong* split 7"; *Wet Paint's* incredible second album *'Woe'*; new website info and a competition or two. We'll also shortly be introducing new artist *Florian Lunaire*...

Thanks again,

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*Records Records Records records*

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